Wednesday, March 16, 2011

John Payne's Dino Kinetics

I was fortunate to see the work of the late John Payne in Asheville, North Carolina over the weekend. I work with his son Trevor Payne who told me about his Father's work when I mentioned I was taking a 3D art class. Please click on the links below to view his work.

Website w/ video inside the exhibit

John Payne's dinosaur sculptures are fascinating. Payne studied pre-historic creatures and used his amazing creativity and engineering talents to create interactive kinesthetic sculptures of life-sized dinosaurs. The dinosaurs are built from steel and crafted to have functioning joints so they move exactly as the creature would have moved. The sculptures are hooked up to playstation controls and allow the viewer to be in control of the movement of the creature (AMAZING!!!). They are simply unlike anything I have seen. Payne crafted each skeleton by hand along with a crew of assistants, who pounded each piece of steel. Each skeleton is completely one of a kind. Unfortunately Payne's family is having trouble finding a permanent home for these amazing sculptures, so hopefully they can be enjoyed and not wasted living in storage. I felt very fortunate to get to see such inspirational work by such a talented artist, he left us with some amazing work I hope is enjoyed for a long time to come.

1 comment:

  1. This is a re-post from the second writing assignment :)
