Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Instructables: Partner Table (Beta Version 0.2)

I have based my project on the My Funny Valentines Day Partner Table (Beta Version) instructable.

The purpose of this table is to place two people in close proximity where they can engage in a creative process, play, eating or any other activity that a small surface such as this would be used for. It hopefully encourages positive interaction and cooperation.

Fearing the fragility of the fabric and thin board I decided to go with a thick board with fabric omitted. The author suggested making adjustable strings and linked to a tutorial for making a cord, but it is not adjustable. I had to improvise by selecting soft rope with a greater thickness to distribute the weight over a greater area of the neck. The rope is crimped together at the ends, forming a circle. This is then connected to the bottom of the board where it is allowed to slide back and forth through channels so that the table can be leveled in reaction to the heights of the users.

Of course this will be visible in class where it will make a lot more sense.

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