"This is ugly as sin. Seriously, this culture sucked.", remarked Mr. Stewart.
An assemblage of clay and garbage, the work employs nature and materialism as it's subjects, and even themes of artificiality in femininity. The latter theme is invoked by a pair of crudely rendered breasts, attached to a plastic bottle.
"They're like something out of the margin of a sixth grade boy's math notes", one student remarked.
Most of the piece is treated with an industrial grey. The two creatures mounted below the breasts are notably mismatched. The dinasaur's face is incised, and lying flat on it's stomach. It has the rendering of a child's drawing. The serpent on the the other hand has the apearance of a Gary Larson illustration. The fact that it's haunched up in violent protest to the breasted bottle threatens to invoke a biblical theme. It's possible the work is intended to satirize traditionaly unfavorable views on femininity in material culture, and religion. When presented with this interpretation the students winced.
"I mean, I just don't want to give it that much credit. This thing, it's, it's realy dumb."
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