For materials I used a 1 inch thick piece of foam core board, a piece of 1/2 inch foam core board, and semi- gloss house paint.
After measuring, I cut the pieces for the plate part of the switch out of the 1 inch foam board. I then cut the pieces for the switch itself from the smaller foam board. I used a hot glue gun to assemble the pieces together, because the edges were pretty rough, I used painter's tape to smooth out the edges. I then mixed a batch of paper mache' paste and cut strips of newspaper which I put on two small water balloons. I set these aside to dry.
Then next step was to cut the center hole for the switch. I glued the switch in place, and then painted the entire piece using semi-gloss house paint. It took three coats of paint to get a uniform finish. When the paper mache' was dry, I measured and cut out the screw heads and hot glued them into place. I then painted them using the semi-gloss paint for the main body, and acrylic paint for the screw divot.
The problems that I had with this project were that the inch thick foam core board, was very hard to cut. Even with a utility knife and a good straight edge, it was difficult to get perfectly straight lines. The biggest problem was the corners. the outside edges of the light switch plate are curved, and I really struggled to get the corners right. They still are not perfect, but I did the best I could.
Overall this was a pretty fun project.
Teresa Neal
For the lettering, I used scrapbook letters.